Mission-shaped Questions: Defining Issues for Today's Church
Overall I found this collection a big disappointment - in many of the essays the level of scholarship appeared weak and the arguments put forward were little more than a string of buzz-words with out any depth. Also I think that Steven Croft needed to take a stronger editorial hand as there were large sections of the essays that covered exactly the same ground as one another.
If you have ever read anything about fresh expressions or Mission-shaped Church then I wouldn't bother with this book as you are unlikely to find anything new here. There were two essays that for me stood out, unsurprisingly I guess were those that took a 'catholic' view on fresh expressions. These were Bishop Lindsay Urwin's discussion on sacramental content of fresh expressions and Angela Tilby's consideration of the dialogue between Catholic ecclesiology and fresh expressions. But if you have an interest in these topics I think you would be better off getting hold of a copy of Ancient Faith Future Mission: Fresh Expressions in the Sacramental Tradition.
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