Friday, 13 April 2012

The Nail by Stephen Cottrell

The Nail: Being part of the Passion

I am a big fan of Stephen Cottrell's writings, and this is another excellent collection made up of 'defences' given by various characters from the final days of Jesus' life, each positioning themselves away from responsibility or blame.  This is an effective device for opening the story up, and challenging any assumptions that there are "good guys" and "bad guys" - all have blood on their hands and yet you find yourself identifying with them, the power of the imagination expressed here is remarkable.

I was reading these on my own, and they sat comfortably along side the Maitland Stations of the Cross, they are doing much the same thing and each they were companions rather than repetitious. I drew on both for the Stations of the Cross I was preparing for Northern Leg of Student Cross, but they could be used in lots of different ways, they originated as "performance" monologues for use on Good Friday, they would make an excellent focus for a study group. 

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