Sunday, 17 July 2016

Celebrating Christian Initiation by Simon Jones

This is an example of the real strength of the Alcuin Club, it provides a truly comprehensive guide to the current liturgical provision for Baptism, and other rites of initiation, within the Church of England. It provides a mix of theological reflection and practical guidance.

There are a lot of “how to” guides written, but they generally look to innovate without providing the baseline practice. This guide helps us understand what the ordinary practice of Baptism should be like, what it should be like when it is at its best. In many cases I tend to feel that we feel the need to innovate more because we do the ordinary badly rather than because the ordinary can not provide for the community or people we wish to engage.

Also I would suggest that we mostly find things within the liturgy cold or clunky because we have failed to understand their purpose – and if we (those engaged in preparing and leading the liturgy) haven't understood why we are doing things, what chance do those coming to receive the liturgy have. I don't think that an encounter with the liturgy depends on any prior theological knowledge or understanding – if liturgy has integrity it should be self-explanatory (and by that I definitely do not mean that each liturgical action should be explained – meaning should be communicated through the action not separate from it – much like jokes, liturgy you “have” to explain has essentially failed).

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