Saturday, 13 January 2018

Celebrating Abundance by Walter Bruggemann

Walter Bruggemann provides a set of reflections that in his usual way challenge and inspire.

Taking Advent as a season expectant for the transformation of the world, not just “getting ready for Christmas”, he shares the message of the “Kingdom values” of the Gospel.

Giving 2 pages for each day, these are concise but fully formed reflections.

However the inclusion of a set of “prayers” for the 12 days of Christmas is less successful – in part because they feel too contrived, taking some small feature of the nativity and twisting it to make a contemporary political point. I found his decision to pay off a male Inn keeper who refused to host the Holy Family with his wife who had compassion for them and made room in the stable a rather weak play on historic gender stereotypes – something I wouldn’t expect from Bruggemann. Also, if you are following the liturgical calendar don’t tie in particular well with the reflections that might be prompted by the Saints days that fall just after Christmas.

Having really valued the book during Advent I ended somewhat irritated by it during Christmas… If you read it stop on Christmas Day!

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