This is a delightful
little book, providing a Painting and a short reflection for each day
of Lent (Sundays not included, of course). There are just enough
words to draw you into the picture and really encounter it.
Although it is a
Lent book, the week’s have themes such as Silence, Peace,
Confidence, and therefore I think it could be useful at any time of
the year, and indeed I think the reflections would be fully
accessible to non-Christians.
Some of the
Paintings are of Christian subjects, eg the Annunciation, however
these probably make up a smaller proportion of the total than you
would find in say the National Gallery. The choice of Hokusai’s
The Great Wave for Ash Wednesday set the tone for that. It is only
the final days, Maundy Thursday onwards, that directly reference the
events of the day in the Christian calendar.
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