Saturday, 11 January 2020

We don’t know what we’re doing by Thomas Morris

This is a powerful collection of short stories.

Set in Caerphilly, location is the thread that runs through them, small town tales, a place with a strong sense of itself but probably aware that the past was better than the future.

These are punchy stories – the characters are really well written, in the space of a couple of dozen pages you have fully invested in them as people. There is a theme of mental illness, depression and anxiety, which is maybe “on trend” for 2020, but as a collection published in 2015 represents a prophetic voice.

In some cases these issues felt a little close to home – I got the book at the end of 2017 and have read the stories every few months – they are powerful and therefore I don’t think this is a book to sit down and read cover to cover, you need time to let them settle and process before reading the next one.

The final story is a bit of a sci-fi, but like most of the best sci-fi it speaks to a completely contemporary issue – in this case the fact that we spend so much time on social media we fail to engage with the real world around us.

I will probably re-read this, which is the highest praise I can give, there are very few books I actually ever go back to…

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