Sunday, 27 June 2021

The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman by Katie Manning

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The Bleeding Woman of the title is the one that touched Jesus’ cloak and was healed – and the first half explores her side of the story, and the second wider ranging reflection looking through her eyes.

One of the poems…

The Flesh Made Word

(Nura’s Translation)

They found God praying to himself in a garden. One man

kissed him on the cheek. Amen. It was finished. They

marched him off to watch the judge wash his hands.

They thorned his crown and flayed his back, walked him

up a slop of skulls and nailed him to a T. Some men

bled his slide and gambled for his clothes. Some women

cried for themselves. The God held his breath. It was

finished. Amen. Nothing left but to gather his body

between sheets and lay him in a book to rise again.

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