Monday, 24 April 2023

163 Days by Hannah Hodgson

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The sequence titled 163 Days contains a parallel narration of her experience in hospital, what she is experiencing and what is being recorded in her medical notes. These are often disconnected in ways that make you both sorrowful and deeply angry – it is a reminder that if you are in anyway vulnerable or marginalise don’t trust doctors – not because doctors are bad people, but they are pushed to do too much too quickly which drives them to making judgements that don’t take account for anything or anyone that needs time to listen more closely, to slow down, to stop and ask again.

The second section, After Care, is perhaps more hopeful, it is not rosy by any means, but there is more autonomy over the challenges – I tagged a fairly dark poem titled Death Inc which recounts an induction session into the afterlife that has all the features of the worse kind of corporate “experience” - asking you to complete a feedback form before you have walking in the door etc

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