Saturday, 30 August 2014

Mission Shaped Evangelism by Steve Hollinghurst

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The usefulness of this book is as a reminder that the dynamics of contemporary culture are far more complex that is mostly allowed for.

Too often it is stated that society is becoming more “secular” - however the decline in Church-going and awareness of the Christian message is not the same as secularisation. People exist in, and with, an increasing mix of beliefs, self-made, borrowed, at times contradictory, but never to be underestimated.

Those beyond the life of the Church are not a blank canvas waiting for us, it is one failing of courses such as, but not only, Alpha – they forget to begin by asking what people already believe and instead launch into a pre-packaged download of “Christianity”.

The challenge is that, accepting Hollinghurst presentation, the future of the Church will be wholly unlike the institutions we have today, and in particular the “generalist” parochial approach of the Church of England will be unsustainable. It is a hard message for those of us whose Christian being and identity has been nurtured and continues within the parochial. But of course I don't remember Jesus says it was going to be easy – somehow it reminds me of the encounter, in Luke 9, Jesus said ‘Follow me.’ The man said, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’ Jesus replied, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.’

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