Sunday, 2 November 2014

Astonishment by Anne Stevenson

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This is a powerful collection of poems, I will share a couple that particularly touched me:

After the Funeral
(for Sally Thorneloe, in memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, killed in Afganistan, 1 July 2009)

Seeing you lost in that enormous hat,
Your face rigid with grief, I thought of how
In love with life you used to be, so much that
'Happy' seemed a word kept warm for you.
Seeing you stunned there in the camera's eye,
Forbidding your chin to undermine your lip,
I knew the knife in you was asking why?
And ceremony couldn't answer it,
Thought they were trying desperately to give
History's unspoken underside a face,
A frame, words and a reason to believe
The afterlife is ordered – like the place
In which, beside his flag-draped coffin, you
Acted, like him, the role you'd been assigned to.

Caring More than Caring
(for Dewi Stephen Jones)

So, we will not meet, we'll never sit
Filling in the silence, smiling bravely,
Chatting about the weather, sipping tea,
As if time's passing mattered not a bit
And age's roughcast could be faced with wit.
Nothings will not be handed on politely,
To lighten hours that otherwise might be
Heavy with language caring won't admit.

My not visiting, your not wanting me -
What could bring us closer to understanding
The unsaid rules of truth and poetry?
Not playing well is sometimes more demanding
Than playing to win, where winning would be lying,
Where losing is a kind of setting free.

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