Sunday, 26 April 2015

And tango makes three by Justin Richardson, Peter Parnell, and Henry Cole

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According to "the internet" this is 2014's 3rd most complained about book in US Libraries – which I naturally took as a higher recommendation that any amount of Booker Prizes etc...

It is a sweet little, true, story of two gay Penguins in a New York Zoo, who successfully hatch a spare egg they are given look after by the keepers.

Penguins are naturally cute and therefore I don't think the illustrator Henry Cole had to work too hard to provide an endearing set of images.

The story is told simply, I don't think it labours a “gay agenda”, but clearly sharing this story acts to normalise same-sex relationships – and if normalising such relationships makes you uncomfortable you are probably going to find yourself complaining to the library authorities.

Section 28 may feel like a distance memory, but I suspect many a school would still not stock this book, as dealing with complaints would not be “worth” the aggravation and risk of headlines in the local paper.

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