Sunday, 31 May 2020

The Nearer You Stand by Roger Wagner

Roger Wagner is a poet and an artist, and while the pairing of artworks and poetry might be fairly common to have pairings from the same author adds an extra dimension.

I probably engaged more with the images than the words – he is a skilled painter of trees, but he also takes scenes from scripture given us new images that free us from the traditional, often twee Victorian, images that might come first into our minds.

He has some of the images on his website, but the picture quality there is does not really do justice to them

A common character is the setting of the scene in front of an industrial landscape – although many of the locations in scripture are “rural” it would have been understood as a working landscape and so it is helpful to point us to that rather than our increasingly romanticised rural idle

There is also a luminosity to many of the images – a hint of the radiance of the glory of god perhaps?

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